COVID justice + climate solidarity: Project Mushroom's latest

COVID justice + climate solidarity: Project Mushroom's latest

What's happening in  Project Mushroom? 🍄

COVID Justice is Climate Justice

Hey shroomies!

This week, Lucky Tran, organizer of the March for Science and public health advocate, published a rebuttal in the Guardian to the most recent anti-masking article from the New York Times.

Tran was an early supporter of Project Mushroom and has been an advocate for mask-wearing. Public health, as with climate justice, is an issue of equity. “Polls consistently show that the majority of the public, especially low-income communities and communities of color, support mask mandates,” writes Tran.

COVID safety echoes calls for climate justice in that we follow the science and the needs of the most vulnerable among us. Read the full piece here!

Don’t believe those who claim science proves masks don’t work | Lucky Tran
A new scientific review of the efficacy of masks is deeply flawed. That hasn’t stopped some from touting it

How to get involved in Project Mushroom  🍄

Want to join Project Mushroom’s Mastodon project? Project Mushroom is the largest climate focused Mastodon project to date. If you’re getting this newsletter, it means you're already tuned in, but if you're not in the space yet, you can click here for an in depth user guide on how to get started on Mastodon.

Climate Solidarity, Not Charity

CREW (Communities Responding to Extreme Weather) is “a network of local leaders building grassroots climate resilience through inclusive & hands-on education, service, and planning.” Helmed by program manager, Vernon K. Walker, CREW educates communities, builds hubs to respond to extreme weather, and provides resources to help communities respond to climate impacts. Their organization is decentralized and proactive.

You can donate, volunteer, or start your own hub by visiting here.

— Megan Ruttan